About our logo

MBNZT logo
MBNZT logo square
Our logo (new in 2022) is stylised to symbolise a butterfly and a moth. It incorporates the koru which, just like the ponga frond unfurling as it grows, symbolises renewal. According to Māori mythology black represents potential (Te Koekore) and red symbolises Te Whai Ao, or coming into being.

With the entity’s long name it was quite a challenge to create and arrange the words and names to form a uniform shape. And it needed to be something quite unique and representative of New Zealand. The design is organic but immediately conveys our kaupapa. The typeface is professional but has a youthful touch.

Kawika Design was established in 2009 but director David Brown has over thirty years' experience in creative design and the print trade.

When it comes to providing a professional identity, from logo branding through to branded stationery, advertising, photography, signage and websites the MBNZT highly recommends Kawika Design: experience, flair and innovation.


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