Big Butterfly Count

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How do we know how well our butterflies are faring... when we don't know where they are (or aren't)? Here in NZ most people don't even know what butterfly species we have.

We learned this in 2019 when we did our first national survey of butterfly species, and realised we needed to do much more education before we embarked on another project like this. And now, with the help of technology and the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, it is much simpler.

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Go to the Google Play (android) or Apple app store - links below.

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Look for the purple icon shown here and download the app.

Butterfly Count Story 3 (1)


You can do your counts while walking or sitting still. Choose somewhere where you will be able to repeat the exercise year after year. The best time to see most butterflies is early afternoon when it is sunny and warm, with no rain, and not too windy.

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