Words in Te Reo Māori

anuhe = large caterpillar
aweto = caterpillar of the kumara moth
hautohu = pupa
hawato = vegetable caterpillar, Cordyceps robertsii – actually a type of fungus
hotete = a caterpillar which vegetates
howaka = longhorn beetle
huhu = a grub which bores into wood
iroiro = grub
kahukowhai = yellow admiral
kahuku = monarch butterfly, Danaus plexippus
kahukura = red admiral
kihikihi = cicada
kiriwenua = garden bug
kopi = chrysalis
makorori = caterpillar
makokorori = magpie moth caterpillar, Nyctemera annulata
mokarakare = Rauparaha’s copper (butterfly)
moko = caterpillar
mokoroa = a large caterpillar
mokorori = caterpillar
muwaru = caterpillar
naonao = small moth
pepe = a grub in wood
pepe = moth
pepe ao uri = blue (butterfly)
pepe atua = butterfly
pepepe = butterfly
pepe para riki = copper (butterfly)
pepe pouri = 'sad butterfly'
pepe tuna = puriri moth
pikotu = pupa
pouri = sad
purerehua = butterfly
purehurehu = large butterfly, moth
pukupuku = caterpillar
pungoungou = large chrysalis
te pepepe pouri = forest ringlet
tungongo/tungoungo = chrysalis
tungoungou = large chrysalis
tuwhenua = pupa
wenewene = an insect
weri = caterpillar. Syn. with hotete
whe = caterpillar

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