Here's 21 ways in which you can help NZ butterflies, moths and habitat.
Subscribe to our beautiful quarterly magazine with articles about NZ butterflies, moths and habitat. Read about the efforts people around the country are doing towards protecting them and enhancing habitats and what YOU can do to help. Your subscription is essential to help us undertake further work in this area. It’s a win:win arrangement. We hope you will help.
As a voluntary organisation we depend on our financial members to support the ongoing work of the trust. The subscription is only $40 per year if you are happy to download your magazines as a pdf file, or $50 per year if you would like to receive printed copies in the mail.
Benefits of joining include:
- You will receive four magazines each year (Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter), packed with tips on how to help the monarch butterfly and other Lepidoptera in NZ.
- You will get a warm fuzzy feeling inside knowing that you are supporting this wonderful organisation!
- There are at least 21 different ways in which your subscriptions help to fulfil our vision, to ensure that Aotearoa New Zealand's ecosystems support thriving moth and butterfly populations.