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Forest Ringlet Presentation Pack

Were $12 per pack - NOW reduced to $10 each includes P&P

Our Forest Ringlet Presentation Pack contains two magnets and a sheet of six stickers, unique images of this beautiful NZ species - plus an information sheet about the iconic butterfly, the only one of its genera and only found in NZ. The magnets are 60x40 mm and 70x50 mm. The stickers are in a gloss PVC, each sheet 195x85mm.

The forest ringlet's future seems to be threatened but the reason for decline has not been confirmed. Extensive populations near urban areas of Auckland and Wellington have disappeared during the last 20 years despite the presence of vigorous populations of foodplants. Predaceous insects are suspected, in particular the European Vespula wasps. Wild populations in more remote areas of both North and South islands are unaffected. Purchases of these beautiful packs, two magnets and a sheet of six stickers, are a wonderful way to show your appreciation of NZ's amazing butterfly fauna.

finished magnets2

finished magnets

Stickers 20200607 large

The price includes P&P. Order by paying into the MBNZT bank account at Kiwibank 38-9009-0654693-00 and sending an email to with your name and delivery address.

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