'Approved by Butterflies'

Approved By Butterflies Seal-FA


The Moths and Butterflies of New Zealand Trust has been working with gardening stores throughout NZ so that they can better help you plant for butterflies. Our ‘approved by butterflies’ stores will be exhibiting our ‘approved by butterflies’ seal shown above. Store staff will know the best ways of getting the most out of your swan plants and how to plant appropriately for monarch butterflies. They will also be aware of the most appropriate plants in the store to provide nectar for monarchs and our other pollinators, as well as host plants of some of our native butterflies and moths. Some of these tips are available here on Monarch Health.

Here is a list of the stores which are part of the ‘approved by butterflies’ initiative:

Kings Plant Barn Silverdale, East Coast Rd, Silverdale 0932

Kings Plant Barn Takapuna, 11 Porana Road, Glenfield 0760

Kings Plant Barn Henderson, 224 Universal Dr, Henderson 0610

Kings Plant Barn St Lukes, 118 Asquith Avenue, Mt Albert 1025

Kings Plant Barn Remuera, 228 Orakei Road, Remuera 1050

Kings Plant Barn Stonefields, 86 Lunn Avenue, Mt Wellington 1072

Kings Plant Barn Botany, 280 Botany Road, Howick 2013

Kings Plant Barn Takanini, 163 Airfield Road, Takanini 2582

Oderings Havelock North, 57 Brookvale Rd, Havelock North 4130

Oderings Palmerston North, 136 Cook St, Palmerston North 4410

Oderings Yaldhurst, 20 West Coast Rd, Yaldhurst 7676

Oderings Barrington, 92 Stourbridge St, Spreydon 8024

Oderings Cashmere, 205 Cashmere Rd, Westmoreland 8025

Oderings Philpotts, 116 Philpotts Rd, Mairehau 8052

Oderings Linwood, 485 Linwood Ave, Linwood 8062

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