Lycaena feredayi

Glade copper

Pepe parariki or mokarakare

Lycaena feredayi is well described in Dr George Gibbs’ book ‘New Zealand Butterflies: Identification and Natural History', (1980). However, in ‘Butterflies of the South Pacific’ (2012) Brian Patrick considers there to be more than one species, and identifies this as the North Island glade copper, L. enysii.

Even the experts are confused! Check out the information about the Butterfly Discovery Project.

The darkest of our copper butterflies, with three bold black lines across the wings and similar bold black lines along veins. Diagnostic feature is the brown triangular patch across the underside of the otherwise yellow hindwing.  Its foodplant is the luxurious climbing Muehlenbeckia - M. australis, as well as M. complexa, depending on the availability of these species in its habitat. M. australis grows along forest margins and clearings and river banks - hence the name 'glade'.

Host Plant
Muehlenbeckia species especially M. australis and M. complexa
Underside of food plant, near the edge.
Green-yellow at first. Looks like a woodlouse/slater bug, brighter green than the common copper. Six weeks, up to 14 mm.
Reddish-brown, hidden in a tent of leaves. About 17 days.
Adult or Imago
Life span is about seven days.
25-32 mm, bigger in the North Island.
As small caterpillar, probably in leaf litter underneath food plant.
Around forest margins and open (but sheltered) areas of the North Island.

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