More Magnificent Monarchs

29 August 2022


Monarchs in Tauranga, photo Cos Ray. Cos was one of our keen taggers when we tagged monarchs a few years ago.

It’s critical everyone understands that when you have hungry caterpillars later in the season you MUST NOT depend on buying plants for food. You need to plant well in advance. Get plants well established before those first butterflies return. Buy or grow twice as many as you’ll think you need – you can keep some out of reach of the monarchs. Keep successive plants growing and flourishing.

I know of two people in Dunedin that have plants lasting for more than one year. Their plants are growing in a warm, sheltered part of the garden. So possibly, in cooler areas, you could get plants going this year which you can keep for later years.

If you are buying seed, now is the time to buy a packet or two and get the seedlings established in pots indoors.


There are more useful hints on the webpage designed specially for the purpose of helping our monarchs: click on the link. And also watch out for 'Top Tips' like these, in our weekly e-news.

Top-Tip-Swan-Plant-Grow-Your-Own-300x300 Top-Tip-Sheltered-Warm-300x300

Everyone who becomes a financial member of the MBNZT (while stocks last) receives a FREE copy of George Gibbs' book about the Monarch Butterfly in New Zealand. It's so helpful learning about monarchs.


An Exquisite Legacy, George Gibbs’ book

An Exquisite Legacy was mentioned in despatches recently and we’ve since been asked for copies in our shop. So here’s your opportunity. This is the illustrated biography of G V Hudson (1867-1946) one of this country’s greatest pioneer naturalists and artists. The illustrations of NZ insects are remarkable – a national treasure. Note: we have a limited number of copies so this is not on our website. Only $55 plus $10 P&P. Order now by emailing your name, address and payment details and paying into the MBNZT bank account with Kiwibank 38-9009-0654693-00 to  .


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